There are pictures of three photographers and me who normally work in countries that are not typical holiday regions. The focus is on people who are marked by poverty, disease and stigma. People who nevertheless exude dignity, even if their life expectancy is lower than that of those who can use a functioning social system.
Rolf Bauerdick, Enric Boixadós, Fabian Fiechter and Bernd Hartung have documented the work of German Leprosy and Relief Association (GLRA). Their photographs are thought-provoking. They touch.
Nevertheless – there are no images that make you affected, but rather convey closeness, and the very special attraction of getting involved in every single story behind it. Because every photo tells something, a very personal story. One that doesn’t belong to anyone else. The protagonists don’t turn away, out of shame, out of fear, no, they want to show what happened to them and how they fared. War zones and crisis regions are taboo for most travelers, but this is exactly where people are waiting with positive stories that encourage and show that the impossible can be made possible.
Real impressions of the life situation of the sick are conveyed on site – unadorned, but positively turned and always dignified.
Photos: Enric Boixadós